Saturday, September 5, 2009

I Scored at the Book Sale, again

This morning I went to the bi-annual "Friends of the Library" book sale and found many fantastic deals. I have so much fun every time I go. I love the hunt, not knowing what great book is waiting there for me. I always keep my eye out for vintage children's books, cookbooks, Halloween and Christmas books, Craft books and hardback novels that intrigue me. The challenge is not to buy too many, when they are only a dollar or two each it is tough.

Here are a few of todays finds.
One of my favorite painters
Love anything Disney
an addition to my Bobbsey Twin collection
I pick up this one just because of the Pagoda, then I realized it was a Pearl S. Buck book. Score!
I actually bought this one before but when I went to read it, it was missing. I am so happy I found another copy.
And this is the best one of ALL!!!
I have wanted this forever and today I got it for only $10. Yippeee


Heidi Ann said...

Well, you certainly did score some great books!

DUTA said...

Great finds! Enjoy the reading!

Land of shimp said...

What wonderful finds, and you did so well restraining yourself! I love library books also. They have such a sense of having been passed through many hands. Owning a library book is like owning a love of words on a larger scale than simply buying a book in the bookstore. You absolutely know you've got a piece of shared experience in your hands, and in your home.

Plus, let's face it, very economical way to score hardcovers!