Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Beautiful Workplace

I have had many different jobs in my life so far, retail clothing salesgirl, ice cream scooper, bank teller, teachers aide, bookkeeper, and many more but I never had workplace as beautiful as I do now. As you may know my husband and I own a chimney sweeping service, it is a grueling and dirty job but on the other hand it does have its upside just like all jobs.

Here are some photos I took today while on the job.
I love Bees, they do so much for us
I love Ducks too.
This duck below was eating bugs in the marsh... I think... or she was eating the marsh itself.
She sounded like a piglet. :0) Under those ducks were the most beautiful trout. No fishing allowed in this pond, these guys are there for visual enjoyment.
Three Duck Butts! :0)
I love my workplace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chimney Sweep! We watched Mary Poppins this week...again...and it made chimney sweeping look so romantic and fun...but still dirty! I always have appreciated people who do those necessary "dirty" jobs...especially one such as that because it can be really dangerous if it isn't done or not done properly. I hope you and your hubby make a good living! Blessings to you.