Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kevin's 39th Birthday

My incredibly talented husband turned 39 years old today.I am such a lucky girl to have found him almost 15 years ago, or maybe he found me? He handles his birthdays with so much grace, unlike me. I become sad and actually rather pitiful no matter how hard I try to be happy, he enjoys his day to the fullest, every year. This morning he listened to some of his new record finds

He played his guitar for awhile then he started to Tye Dye some Tee shirts, his new passion.
This is the prettiest basket of laundry I've ever seen.
I gave him the complete Indiana Jones DVD set so we had a Dr. Jones Marathon while I made the silliest cake ever...

it has been a very nice day.

He has big plans for the weekend, pretty much doing what he wants when he wants. Just as a birthday weekend should be.

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