I spent the weekend putting away Halloween decorations and pulling out Christmas decor. There is something I like about my home going from eerie to cheery overnight. The creepy crows and spooky spiders get packed away until next fall and the smiling snowmen and chubby Santa's come out. I do know the real reason for the season, Jesus, but I only have one Nativity at the moment. My Mom collects them and I try not to collect the same things as her, after all I might end up with some of them someday.
The lights! How do I explain my love for strings of lights. There is something so peaceful about a tree full of tiny lights on a dark night. We have had a tiny bit of a battle going on here. Well... not really a battle.
You see, I can't stand the new LED Christmas lights! My husband is on a mission to be as much like Ed Begley as possible, no disrespect to ED. A few years ago we started switching to LED lights and now we only have a few strings of the old kind left. This makes my husband happy and me sad. I am all for the energy savings and I love that they last so long, but... they are UGLY! They put off this cold, slightly flickering, glaring light and I swear they are going to give me seizures! Currently I have the 3 strings of old lights on the tree and the new ones are in a box. Terrible...I know.
I have so many fond memories of Christmases with my family and I have found that our ornaments for the tree represent many of those wonderful holidays. Last night I took some photos of some of my favorites.We have more ornaments than we can fit on our little fake tree, yes... fake. Every year I want to get a real one but our house is too small and our $40. fake tree fits perfectly. Plus, I can't buy a real one as early as I'd like to :O).
This pretty silver wreath was picked out by my sweet hubby who LOVES all things... Sparkly!
My sweet cousin Janee gave him to me when she worked for Warner Bros.
Love him.
Now... I have saved the best for last, maybe the best... I can't really choose a favorite. These calico birds were handmade by my Mother. They are fashioned from fabric that she also used to make clothes for me and my brother. The red and blue calico on the wings of the second bird is very moving to me. Really. Not only did I have an outfit made from that fabric but I made some of my first sewing projects from it. I remember an apron I made for Barbie in particular. I wish I still had that apron and I am so happy I still have the bird. So happy.
I haven't had a tree in years, not being a huge Christmas buff, but I do have a lot of sentimental ornaments packed away with lots of memories attached. You have a ShrinkyDink ornament!! That is fabulous!!
The ornaments, the decorations and your attached explanations are priceless.
Erin- It's funny how objects can hold such feelings or rather the object sparks the memory and then the feelings come. Shrinky Dinks were so much fun, huh. I wonder if they still make them?
Duta- Thank you so much. I am still reading and very much enjoying your blog but I still can't leave a comment. I just want you to know I am a fan.
What a lovely tour of Christmas decorations, Jennifer! One of the things I like is that we have something in common, it seems. I have several fancy, blown glass ornaments, but my favorite ornaments are decidedly homey.
We have Star Santa, who is made out of a wooden star, painted to look like a spread-eagled Santa (far more endearing than it sounds).
We also have Fat Snowman. A cloth snowman who was given to us by my SIL. He only has two sphere's for his body. His round head, and his rotund, cloth body. The overall impact is very cheerful, and he usually goes dead center over our mantle.
We spent the weekend beginning to decorate. No tree yet, but we did pull out Nutcracker statues, stocking holders, etc. etc.
Fat Snowman has yet to be unearthed, but the mantle is awaiting him.
Omigosh, I love Jessica Rabbit. What a hoot...!
I love Christmas decorations, and it's so fun to pull them out and remember Christmases past, isn't it?
Shimp- I love the sound of the chubby snowman.
Jo- Yes! that is the best thing about decorating the tree.
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